
Babies need to be under 1 month of age and have received their Vitamin K injection at birth.

Only anterior tongue ties can be addressed at our clinic. Posterior tongue ties and lip ties will need to be referred elsewhere. The procedure will only be done if we can identify a problem and feel certain that it will benefit the nursing pair.

What you can expect

At your appointment you should expect:

  • Talking together about all aspects of the feeding experience including breastfeeding, bottle feeding, and pumping
  • Monitoring babyā€™s weight
  • Assessment of mouth, range of motion of tongue, and babyā€™s suck
  • If it is determined necessary, the procedure will be done the same day in the exam room. You will be able to watch and baby will come immediately back to you after the procedure for feeding.

How to prepare

Please bring a swaddle blanket to the appointment. As much as possible, plan to bring your baby to this appointment hungry and plan to feed either at breast or with a bottle immediately following the procedure.

We strongly encourage working with a lactation consultant after the procedure to ensure the success of the mother-baby nursing pair.